Wholesale Procts That Assist With Home Learning
Like every other working parent in the country, I was filled with absolute dread when it was announced that schools would not be opening for this term – I had really hoped that 2020 would be the only year to see me donning my teachers hat!
Home schooling is hard going for all of us. Whether it’s trying to juggle working from home with your children’s school work, or having unwilling to learn children you are failing to motivate – or even just technology issues with the various learning platforms and 3 billion educational app’s your kid’s school is using! We all need to remember that no one is finding it all easy going!
I have 3 kids at home to be teaching, in 3 different years. Their school have been great, providing lovely lessons for us to follow. However, I do find that as soon as one of them needs my attention, they all do. So, I have found it really helpful to have a selection of educational bits and bobs that they can entertain themselves with until I can help them.
Early Years Learning Tools
Our new wipe clean books are brilliant for helping children to learn, without them really realising they are! My youngest is in Reception, and he has loved his First Letter and First Numbers books – he can trace over the letters and numbers to practice writing them, then rub them out and start again! He also loves his wooden alphabet and number jigsaw puzzles. These are great for children to use at a young age to start recognising the different letters and numbers. We use the number jigsaw a lot in his maths lesson now – counting something and then finding the matching number on his puzzle!
Primary School Supplies
My daughter in in year 2 and currently the times table is absolutely ruining her life! (She sadly does not have my head for numbers!) But she has found her wipe clean maths and multiplication book to be really helpful. For times table especially, the repetition of doing sums over and over again really helps to fix those times tables in her head!
Tech-Free Hobbies
I am really conscious of how much time my kids could spend on technology when they’ve finished their school work. So, I am trying to make sure they have a good selection of creative things to do before they reach for the gadgets! Colouring is a great mindfulness activity for all ages – we have a range of colouring books to suit all ages, from pre-schoolers up to adults!
My eldest got a set of proper sketching pencils at Christmas, so he is loving having a proper sketch book to doodle in and it has come in handy as well for the odd art project set by his teacher! He loves the look of the advanced colour by numbers colouring books we have coming in soon – so I think he will be offering to sample one of those for me!
Wide Range at Risus Wholesale
Whether you are home schooling yourself and are looking for anything that can help or if you are simply looking for goods to stock that will help some parents out, Risus Wholesale have a range of goods that is bound to have something suitable.